The Scandal of Forced Adoption

Since starting to write Heartbreak Baby, I’ve done a lot of research into forced adoptions, with many thousands of young unmarried mothers, having their babies taken away and given up for adoption. In fact it is believed that half a million, British women were persuaded to give up their babies for adoption in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s – that …

In the name of Religion

I have just been reading of cases where the babies of unmarried Mothers in religious institutions, were not even allowed to see or hold their babies when they were born. They would hear their baby cry, the umbilical cord would be cut and then they were immediately taken away for adoption. The girls were considered to have been sinful, and …

Committee of Human Rights

Hundred’s of women came forward to give evidence to the joint committee of Human Rights about their own forced adoptions and the stories that emerge about their treatment are unbelievably cruel.  Here are just a few snippets from the lengthy descriptions they gave to the committee. The Mothers Jane I got pregnant in 1968 and attended an ante-natal clinic As …

Movement for an Adoption Apology

It seems unbelievable to me, that despite a long campaign and protests by the MAA (Movement for an Adoption Apology) and a report and recommendations from the Joint Committee of Human Rights, who called on the Government to issue a formal apology to unmarried mothers who had their babies taken for adoption in the late 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s, …